Spicy Kale

Kale is a member of the cabbage family and it’s deep green color means it has a high iron content. It’s also loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Read more ,here.


½ t. Pink salt

¼ t. white pepper

2 T. fresh lemon juice

⅛ t. cayenne (powder)

½ t. cumin

One large bunch of kale, any variety. (I counted 18 stalks of dinosaur kale)

1/4 C. chopped red onion

½-¾ C. of any type of tomato you like

3 ribs chopped (cubed) celery

3 T. balsamic vinegar


In large bowl whisk together: Pink Salt, white pepper, Lemon juice, Cayenne, Cumin and balsamic vinegar

Clean, de-stem and chop kale into ribbons.

,Kale ribbon video

​​Add Kale to the dressing and massage the kale.

,Massaging kale video.

​​You’ll know you are finished when the kale is softer and glossy. The kale will become wilted as if you cooked it.

Add tomatoes and onions and toss.

Sprinkle with celery and enjoy!